We spend most of our time indoors, where air quality and some pollutants are more concentrated. Indoor air quality, especially for those in our community who suffer from respiratory ailments, is important. Indoor airplus is a voluntary labeling program established by the environmental protection agency, along with energy star help you to find builders who have your health in mind. Building an airplus home requires construction practices and product specifications that minimize exposure to airborne pollutants and contaminants.
Here is how it is done.
Moisture Control.
Together with energy star, indoor airplus designs a system that minimizes the risks of moisture build up. This reduces the risks of mold and other biological contamination (such as pests) from being a problem in your home’s air quality.
Keeping heating gasses where they belong, and out of your indoor air.
Another item on the indoor airplus checklist is the installation of heating equipment that keeps combustion pollutants from entering the indoor air. Additionally it requires ventilation of pollutants from the garage, to prevent them from entering your home. Lastly, carbon monoxide alarms are in all sleeping areas.
Radon Control
Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive, invisible, odorless gas and a known carcinogen. An airPLUS home meets the specifications of radon-resistant construction techniques (in areas with high radon potential).
A better engineered Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) system
ENERGY STAR with Indoor airPLUS includes improved duct and equipment installation, filtration, and whole-house and spot ventilation to dilute and remove indoor air pollutants.
Building on the EPA's ENERGY STAR requirements for new homes, Indoor airPLUS provides additional construction that increases the indoor air quality protections in new homes. The home’s energy performance and indoor air quality are verified by an independent third-party inspector to ensure that the builder has met all of EPA’s rigorous guidelines for energy efficiency and indoor air quality.